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Level 1 Deterrent

Delta K9 Obedient/Deterrent dog will be trained to be confident, clear headed, highly intelligent, social, affectionate and of stable temperament. This dog will be hand selected from the chosen breed to qualify for deterrent training. This dog will be trained to be very friendly with children.

This level will include the following dog training:

  • Is taught obedience commands.
  • Is taught showing of teeth, barking at the threat while remaining by your left side. Will stop upon command by owner.
  • Is not taught to fight or bite the aggressor as this technique is designed to deter not attack.
  • Is crate trained.
  • Is gun tested from a distance.
  • Is trained to jump in/out of vehicles, pick-up trucks and SUV’s.
  • Is trained to be on slippery floors, stairs, around loud noises.
  • Handler training is included at our facility/ may be done at your residence for an extra charge.
  • Free lifetime support.